“You were raised in deprivation.” That’s what Dr. Gabor Mate told Prince Harry he experienced, despite his material privilege. Just prior to this, Harry had been insisting that his childhoodContinue readingPrince Harry & Dr. Gabor Mate Discuss Spare: A Trauma Survivor’s Perspective
How Sharing Trauma Can Make A Difference
Heartbreaking Stories of “Late Term Abortions” Helped Me See The Lies I’d Been Told By the “Pro-Life” Movement I was raised to believe abortion was murder. That as an adoptee,Continue readingHow Sharing Trauma Can Make A Difference
Why I Hate Mother’s Day. Also, Please Don’t Say This To Me
Mother’s Day is really painful for people with abusive childhoods. We try to avoid the day on social media, but it’s nearly impossible. Obviously lots of people have mother’s worthContinue readingWhy I Hate Mother’s Day. Also, Please Don’t Say This To Me
Donald Trump Shows Typical Abuser Behavior by Blaming Nancy Pelosi For Not Stopping J6
CW: Victim Blaming The events of January 6, 2021 are seared on the brains of many Americans. My household watched the carnage unfold via YouTube livestreams until it finally gotContinue readingDonald Trump Shows Typical Abuser Behavior by Blaming Nancy Pelosi For Not Stopping J6
A Word About The Oscar’s Incident
My oldest was surfing Twitter when it happened, and soon the whole household was debating whether or not it was a bit. Then we saw Jada Pinkett Smith’s struggles withContinue readingA Word About The Oscar’s Incident
The Mórrígan as Mother and More: My Appearance on Personal Pans
I had the honor of appearing this week on the Personal Pans podcast with Vanessa Walilko. We had so much fun, I feel like I’ve gained a new friend. Here’sContinue readingThe Mórrígan as Mother and More: My Appearance on Personal Pans
Do Abusive Ancestors Grow On The Other Side?
More thoughts spurred by Tyler Henry’s new Netflix series, Life After Death. In one episode, Tyler gives a message where a departed mother apologizes for how she treated her childContinue readingDo Abusive Ancestors Grow On The Other Side?
Britney Spears: Trauma Is Messy Cut Her Some Slack
For 13 years, Britney Spears wasn’t allowed to stand up for herself. She was not allowed to speak publicly without a filter. Her every move was controlled, to the pointContinue readingBritney Spears: Trauma Is Messy Cut Her Some Slack
Mourning Dexter
I am not ok today, and the reasons why are really throwing me for a loop. It just doesn’t make sense except as a trauma response. Apologies if this articleContinue readingMourning Dexter
After Abuse: Do We Have To Forgive To Heal?
Tina Turner has an incredible life story. From abject poverty in Nutbush, TN to world superstardom and rock Icon status. But no matter what she does or how much sheContinue readingAfter Abuse: Do We Have To Forgive To Heal?