“You were raised in deprivation.” That’s what Dr. Gabor Mate told Prince Harry he experienced, despite his material privilege. Just prior to this, Harry had been insisting that his childhoodContinue readingPrince Harry & Dr. Gabor Mate Discuss Spare: A Trauma Survivor’s Perspective
Lugh, Fascism, And Family Trauma: An Appalachian Lughnassadh
It’s been just over a year since we signed the papers and finally settled down on a mountaintop in western North Carolina. Sometimes I drive around town and still marvelContinue readingLugh, Fascism, And Family Trauma: An Appalachian Lughnassadh
On Not Feeling Safe In My Community
As a white, cis woman in the southern US, “safety” has always been a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, I have undeniable Privilege, and I mustContinue readingOn Not Feeling Safe In My Community
Christian Trauma In The Face Of Rising Christian Fascism
Of all the decisions handed down by the Supreme Court in June, the one that gave me the worst panic attacks was Kennedy vs Bremerton School District. Surprised? I’ve certainlyContinue readingChristian Trauma In The Face Of Rising Christian Fascism
How Sharing Trauma Can Make A Difference
Heartbreaking Stories of “Late Term Abortions” Helped Me See The Lies I’d Been Told By the “Pro-Life” Movement I was raised to believe abortion was murder. That as an adoptee,Continue readingHow Sharing Trauma Can Make A Difference
No, Love Doesn’t Win
It’s been a rough few days. A good friend of mine, venting rage and frustration about the general loss of bodily autonomy and civil rights we’re witnessing said something alongContinue readingNo, Love Doesn’t Win
It’s All Just Too Much
Two years ago I wrote about the Collective Trauma of George Floyd’s Murder. Since then, over a million Americans have died from Covid. We watched a violent insurrection take placeContinue readingIt’s All Just Too Much
The “Domestic Supply of Infants” and “Pro-Life” Thinking
I was adopted as an infant. Relinquished at birth and placed at 7 weeks. My family was open about this from the beginning, and one of my very earliest memoriesContinue readingThe “Domestic Supply of Infants” and “Pro-Life” Thinking
Why I Hate Mother’s Day. Also, Please Don’t Say This To Me
Mother’s Day is really painful for people with abusive childhoods. We try to avoid the day on social media, but it’s nearly impossible. Obviously lots of people have mother’s worthContinue readingWhy I Hate Mother’s Day. Also, Please Don’t Say This To Me
This Was Always Gonna Happen
So SCOTUS is gonna overturn Roe v Wade, and a lot of folks out there are shocked. If I had $1 for everyone on Twitter who’s take was “bUt ThEy’LlContinue readingThis Was Always Gonna Happen