Before the Christianization of Scandinavia, there was a major offering every 9 years at holy places such as Uppsala. If you’re familiar with the show Vikings, this event is depictedContinue readingThe Year of Aun: Discovering My First 9-Year Cycle Complete
The Mórrígan as Mother and More: My Appearance on Personal Pans
I had the honor of appearing this week on the Personal Pans podcast with Vanessa Walilko. We had so much fun, I feel like I’ve gained a new friend. Here’sContinue readingThe Mórrígan as Mother and More: My Appearance on Personal Pans
Becoming A Forest Witch
Now that I live in my own forest in southern Appalachia, it’s time to turn my back on humanity and become the forest witch we all learned about in fairyContinue readingBecoming A Forest Witch
Practical Polytheism: a Week’s Worth of Gods and Spirits
One of the things I found most confusing as I was first developing my pagan practice was how to incorporate multiple deities and spirits without offending any particular one. EspeciallyContinue readingPractical Polytheism: a Week’s Worth of Gods and Spirits